Rock Formations

Carve Your Vacation Out of Stone

怀俄明西南部是高原沙漠气候,这是由一个盐湖或古老的湖泊造成的. The lake receded and dried up thousands of years ago, leaving behind soil formed by the erosion of sandstone and shale. 尽管在甜水县,除了山艾树和草原草,很少有绿色的东西愿意生长, 这样的环境为令人惊叹的岩层自然现象创造了成熟的条件.

Many explorers, 地形工程师和地质爱好者曾到斯威特沃特县参观这些令人敬畏的岩层, and traveled the east-west route through Sweetwater County, marveling at the formations created by eons of rain and wind. Plan your next trip to Sweetwater County to marvel at some of Mother Nature’s finest work. 帮助您探索遍布全县的惊人岩层, we compiled a guide to view six geological wonders in the area.

Castle Rock in Green River

Castle Rock

What Makes it Special?

城堡岩是斯威特沃特县最令人敬畏的地质地标. Castle Rock overlooks the city of Green River and is located near downtown. 多年来,这个岩层被称为许多不同的名字,包括城堡, Indian Head Rock and Green River Butte. Castle Rock consists of horizontal strata, 许多岩层中都有丰富的鱼类和植物化石, 这是一个曾经覆盖了大部分地区的巨大湖泊的见证.

Where is it?

High above the town of Green River along I-80. 城堡岩也可以通过在格林河的第三西街北端徒步到达.

The Palisades

What Makes it Special?

The Palisades rock formation in Sweetwater County is deeply engrained in the history of the county; from Native Americans using the area to cross the Green River during low water and finding excellent protection via the formation from the elements to trappers and traders during the days of the American Fur Company in the early 19th century using the Palisades as a reference point during travel. 栅栏也是画家和摄影师的热门主题, 著名艺术家托马斯·莫兰(Thomas Moran)最著名地描绘了这种岩层, in his painting “Cliffs of the Green River.”

Where is it?

Located along I-80, west of Green River.

Tollgate rock in Green River

Tollgate Rock

What Makes it Special?

收费门石因其所在地收取的通行费数量而得名. Stories vary, 但最常被提起的一个故事是,早期的摩门教徒在岩石南侧的天然大门上开凿了一条路. 安装了一条链条,并向想要使用这条路的人收取费用. 斯威特沃特县的记录确实显示,多年来,对使用这条道路或在河上渡轮的收费进行了多次评估. 收费门岩海拔6440英尺,是一个不容错过的景点.

Where is it?

Slightly northwest of Green River along Lincoln Highway.

怀俄明州Pilot Butte岩层前的野马

Pilot Butte

What Makes it Special?

Pilot Butte主导着周围的景观,是邻近地区的第二高点, standing at 7,949 feet tall.  Due to its size, Pilot Butte, located on top of White Mountain自从第一批人来到这个地区,它就被用作地标. 印第安人用它来寻找露营和狩猎场以及河流和小溪. 今天,畜牧工人、飞行员和猎人仍然使用它来确定自己在该地区的方位. The butte can be hiked, so make sure to wear appropriate footwear. 登上山顶,几英里内的景色令人叹为观止. 

Where is it?

Pilot Butte is located directly on top of White Mountain. White Mountain is immediately north of Rock Springs. From Rock Springs, take U.S. Hwy. 191 north for 10.5英里,在“野马环路”标志处左转(53号县道),沿着那条路穿过山. 在“野马环线”外有一条路(53号县道),沿着那条路向左走就到了山丘. To see a map of the area, click here.

Take a Virtual Tour of Pilot Butte

Kissing Rocks

What Makes it Special?

Kissing Rocks are suspended in time and space. Depending on the direction of travel, 这两个岩层似乎在一个吻中结合在一起,或者从一个刚刚完成的吻中分离出来. 印第安人相信,来自对立部落的一对注定要结婚的恋人的灵魂住在岩石上,他们将永远远离彼此. In a modern twist on this ancient myth, 来与绿河队比赛的对手队不会看岩石,因为传说这样做会导致客队输球.

Where is it?

East of Green River along I-80.

Boar's Tusk Rock Formation in Wyoming

Boar’s Tusk

What Makes it Special?

野猪的獠牙是一座古老火山的核心,直接从地面升起,守卫着 Killpecker Sand Dune field.  Standing 400 feet high, 它是沙漠中引人注目的特色,也是陆上移民之路上的重要地标. Along with Devil's Tower in Northeast Wyoming, it's one of only two such geological features in the state, and this natural attraction is not one to miss. 野猪的獠牙对该地区的印第安人来说也具有重要的宗教意义.

To get to Boar’s Tusk, a four-wheel drive vehicle is recommended. 野猪的獠牙是摄影师们寻找标志性景点完美快照的热门地点. 来看看怀俄明州最突出和最具异国情调的地质特征之一.

Where is it?

From Rock Springs, travel north on U.S. 191. Approximately 10 miles north of Rock Springs, 在甜水县路4-18号右转(在一个写着岩画的标志处), Sand Dunes, Boar’s Tusk) and turn left at CR 4-17 (Tri-Territory Road).

Disclaimer: This is a true “off the grid experience” cell service is limited! Make sure you have extra water, and a high-clearance, 带有厚轮胎(和备胎)的四轮驱动车辆,可以在土路上行驶. Let someone know where you are headed and when you plan to return.

Take a Virtual Tour of Boar's Tusk

Honeycomb Buttes

What Makes it Special?

千变万化的山岗和崎岖不平的荒地,是你游览加拿大时令人惊叹的景象 Honeycomb Buttes in Sweetwater County. 位于怀俄明州北部的红色沙漠沿着大分水岭盆地的边缘, and about 50 miles north of Rock Springs, 蜂窝丘因在这里发现的众多泥洞而得名. 该地区是野外休闲的好去处,包括背包旅行, horseback riding, wildlife viewing, photography and more. Access to the area requires a four-wheel-drive, 高间隙车辆和良好的导航技能,因为许多道路都是未命名的.

Where is it?

From Rock Springs, travel north on U.S. 191 toward Farson for about 36 miles. Turn right onto WY-28 E toward Lander. 在南关休息区前,在445县道右转,沿着这条路走11路.5 miles. Park along the road, 沿着一条双轨路线向东行驶,前往蜂巢丘荒野研究区. 查看怀俄明州户外委员会制作的红色沙漠地图 or contact the BLM Rock Springs Field Office for more information.

Disclaimer: This is a true “off the grid experience” cell service is limited! Make sure you have extra water, and a high-clearance, 带有厚轮胎(和备胎)的四轮驱动车辆,可以在土路上行驶. Let someone know where you are headed and when you plan to return.